Following our trials and tribulations as we attempt to remove all grains, many starchy vegetables and most sugars from our diet while maintaining our love of good food! We strive to make all of our recipes GAPS and/or SCD compliant. Note: We didn't know about "Grain-Free Gourmet" when we chose our name. We are not affiliated with those good folks.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stewed Prunes

We tried this with the desire to add something new into our breakfast routine. This goes really well with pancakes, and the liquid makes a wonderful syrup if you allow it to thicken. If you remove the lemon and puree it in the blender it makes a delicious jam.

To make stewed prunes, simply put the amount of prunes you want to cook into a saucepan (we use about a pound) and cover them with cold filtered water. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer and simmer for about 20 minutes. At this point you can add in some things for flavor- our favorite is a half a lemon, sliced, and a cinnamon stick. Simmer another 10 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Cooking time will vary depending on how dry the prunes were to start and how you like them. If you let them sit they will thicken.

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