3 1/2 to 4 cups of almond flour
2 capfulls of almond extract (about 1/4 tsp)
1/2 cup honey
3 egg whites, lightly beaten
optional- shredded coconut, sliced almond, raisins, etc.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl, lightly beat the egg whites, then add the almond extract and honey and beat a little longer.
Gently stir in 3 1/2 cups almond flour to form a thick paste. The dough should be thick enough to be rolled into a ball. If it isn't, add more almond flour (up to about 4 cups). If the dough is still too soft, refrigerate it for an hour or two. Some of you may want to use less honey, in which case less almond flour will be needed.
Roll the dough into balls about 1 inch across, roll in sliced almonds or shredded coconut if desired, then roll into a log and form a crescent shape. Place on a cookie sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Bake 15-20 minutes, depending on how soft or crunchy you prefer these.
Raisins or other dried fruit (chopped) can be added after the almond flour.
The almond extract could be replaced with another flavor, such as lemon or orange extract.
The dough can be made into various shapes or letters, or just squashed flat to make a circle.
Part of the almond flour could be replaces with other ground nuts or seeds.