Thursday, October 8, 2009

Garlic Bread

Now that fall weather is settling in, it's back to the joys of having the oven on and wonderful smells filling the house.  Garlic bread is a flavor I've missed until now.  This coconut bread recipe is very good, and will work well for many things I'm sure!

The recipe for the bread comes from the Cheeseslave blog:
The original recipe comes from the book "Cooking with Coconut Flour" by Bruce Fife and was adapted for GAPS by the Cheeseslave Lady.  Thank you Cheeseslave Lady!

Once you've made the bread, just melt a lot of butter or ghee in a skillet and gently saute LOTS of crushed or chopped garlic to let the butter take on the flavor.  I used about 1/3 of a loaf of the bread and big chunk of butter, so I can't tell you exact proportions here. Some people prefer to make the garlic butter by mashing the crushed garlic into butter at room temperature without melting it.  Also, many people like to add chopped parsley.  Garlic bread is more of an art than a science :)

Spread the garlic butter between slices of the bread, and wrap in foil (if that's your thing) and place in a baking dish.  I prefer for my food to not touch aluminum, so I put the bread back in it's bread pan and covered the top with foil to keep in the moisture.  If you have another method, please post it in the comments!

I placed it in a 300 degree oven for about 30 minutes.


  1. Sounds great! Will try this very soon :-) Thank you for posting.

  2. I make garlic bread by melting butter and soaking thinly sliced peices of bread with a pastry brush, and then sprinkling chopped garlic, parsley, (and parmesan if I'm really fancy) and putting in oven to toast.

    I'm just venturing into coconut flour - I was allergic to coconut for years but think that is better. I miss garlic bread so badly!
