Monday, March 30, 2009

Tracy's Fabulous Nut Pancakes

We would like to welcome our newest Grain-Free Foodie, Tracy. This recipe looks delicious and I know we are going to see many more great things from her. Please note that this recipe is unsweetened for those people needing to avoid or restrict honey intake.

Nut Pancakes with Wild Blueberry Topping

2 ½ cups ground nuts and seeds. (Grind nuts first, then measure)

¼ cup COLD butter or Ghee straight from the fridge – it is important that the butter be cold

½ teaspoon baking soda

(note- while baking soda is not technically GAPS-legal, it is neutralized in the cooking process so it shouldn't affect stomach acid)

Juice of 1 large lemon

¼ teaspoon of salt

3 eggs (separated)

1 cup coconut milk, well-chilled

Oil for frying


1 cup blueberries (we use Trader Joe’s frozen Organic Wild Blueberries)

Pats of butter


For this recipe, I use a coffee grinder, food processor, and KitchenAid mixer. I find these very helpful for achieving the consistency and rise in the pancakes. I also tend to keep a can of shaken coconut milk in the fridge at all times, so it is cold when I am ready to use it.

First, grind the nuts. I mix up a combination of cashews, pecans, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seed, walnuts, and sunflower seeds, or any combination of the above. Usually, I keep a big bowl on the counter full of this mixture so that when I put a scoop into my coffee grinder, it’s a good combo. Extra ground nuts I keep in the fridge until I’m ready to use them.

Separate the eggs, and put the egg whites into the mixer, and beat them until soft peaks form. Transfer them gently into a large mixing bowl.

Put the nuts into the food processor and add the baking soda and salt. Pulse until combined. Add the very cold butter in chunks and pulse until well-combined. Add the egg yolks, lemon juice and the cold coconut milk, and pulse until well-combined. The batter should be thick but not stiff, closer to cake batter than cookie dough; add more coconut milk if necessary. Gently transfer the batter into the mixing bowl and fold the egg whites into the batter.

Fry immediately in a heated frying pan with a generous coating of oil. Pancakes are best eaten hot right off the griddle, but you can also keep them in a warm oven until ready to serve.


We like to heat the frozen blueberries in a small saucepan with a little water (maybe 1 or 2 Tbsp per cup of berries) until they release their juices and come to a boil. Use as little water as possible, as it diluted the wonderful juices released.

Serve pancakes hot with pats of butter and scoops of hot blueberries and juice.


  1. Also, baking soda is allowed on SCD.


  2. I forgot to mention--Welcome Aboard!

