Sunday, September 13, 2009

Strawberry Shortcake

No, it's not all treats with me! It's just that I expect good soup, roasted meat, delicious vegetables etc. on GAPS. When I find desserts that I think are really tasty, I'm excited, because I didn't expect to be able to enjoy something like strawberry shortcake while on the protocol. This recipe also makes a great cobbler topping.

The cake in this is more like pound cake than shortcake, but it is really good. (You might have noticed that it's awfully similar to my other muffin/cupcake recipes.) The whole family plus picky visitors enjoyed every bite of this. I made it a lot when strawberries were in season around here, but we were so busy I never got a pic. to post. These strawberries are still local and organic, but they must have come from a greenhouse. They were still sweet though.


1/3 cup melted butter or oil
6 eggs lightly beaten
1/4 tsp. sea salt
1/2 cup honey
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond extract
1/2 cup coconut flour


Mix all ingredients together and divide among 12 muffin cups. Bake at 350 degrees F. for 20-25 minutes. I like these when they just start to brown. The tops become glossy and yummy!

Cut muffins in half crosswise and top with sliced strawberries that have been tossed with honey to taste and a dash of vanilla extract.


  1. um, yummmy! i am so trying this one!

  2. I can't find a way to contact you so I have a question for you - do you have a good pie crust that is made from coconut flour? I'm trying to come up with a nut free and grain free pie crust for thanksgiving. I did one today that is made from shredded coconut and coconut oil. It was good but it doesn't really go with pumpkin pie. So I thought maybe something with coconut flour. What do you think?

  3. Hi Sarah,

    I don't like coconut flour pie crust for some reason. I recommend a crust that is a blend of sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. My preference is to grind these together in a food processor, add a good amount of butter and a couple of pinches of salt. Pulse to chop butter throughout. Add one egg white and mix through. Press into a pie plate. With pumpkin pie, it might work better to pre-bake the crust, then do the filling on the stovetop. I made a quiche with this crust and baked it filled, and it turned out fine.

    I will post a recipe, once I get the proportions down.

  4. A lot of people seem to have success with pecan crusts, although I've only tried this once and it didn't work well (too oily). I also think that hazelnut flour would work well too- and I think the flavor would gp well with pumpkin pie.

  5. I just wanted to mention that these are still amazingly popular over here. We usually eat them with strawberries and kefir that has a little honey and vanilla added. Between myself and my 3 girls the whole dozen are usually gone in a few hours.

  6. This looks and sounds SOOOO delicious! I have all the ingredients, I think I will try making it very soon!

  7. For some reason, these have been turning out too greasy for me recently, and only on occasion. I'm suspecting it is the size and or quality of my eggs that is making the difference. Whatever the case, I tried 1/3 cup butter yesterday, and they came out perfectly. I've changed the recipe above to reflect that. Let me know how this works for you.

  8. Teri- I just did made the same change with these myself last weekend and it did work out much better for me as well.

  9. I just tried these, and they were so good! We are on GAPS, but I usually prefer not to eat the grain free goodies at all (although my husband and children enjoy them, I'm not crazy about the coconut flour baked goods). These were amazing though - not so much shortcake-y and fluffy as dense and pound cake-y, but perfect with strawberries and whipped cream made from coconut milk. I wasn't crazy about the honey and vanilla in the strawberries (would probably leave out the vanilla next time and possibly the honey as well) but after pureeing about a third of the berries to make a sauce and tossing the rest of the berries with that, it turned out beautifully. Thank you so much for the great recipe, I will certainly be coming back to make it again. :)

    1. I am really glad you enjoyed these! I think coconut flour is a pretty tricky ingredient, so I am especially happy when one of the recipes turns out so well. You might enjoy the cobbler recipe I have up too. Even though it's very similar to this one, it comes out differently with the fruit baked underneath. I am looking forward to summer berries so I can make it again :)

  10. Made these for my 9 y.o. daughter's birthday breakfast. We put the batter in 9 crumb cake papers. Everyone enjoyed them, including my three picky boys. We will definitely make them again.
