Following our trials and tribulations as we attempt to remove all grains, many starchy vegetables and most sugars from our diet while maintaining our love of good food! We strive to make all of our recipes GAPS and/or SCD compliant. Note: We didn't know about "Grain-Free Gourmet" when we chose our name. We are not affiliated with those good folks.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dijon Mustard

I made this recipe about a month and a half ago. It is pretty good, but I found it a bit sweet. Next time, I will reduce the amount of honey. I'm posting it here in the form that I found it (more or less). It takes about a month for the flavors to mellow, so do not eat it right away unless you like very spicy mustard. It also yields about four small jars of mustard, which last a long time in my house.


1 large onion
3 cloves garlic
2 cups dry white wine
4 ounces dry mustard
4 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons salt


Mince onion and garlic. Combine with wine and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly.

Pour through a strainer and save the onion and garlic to add to soup.

Combine dry mustard and strained wine to make a paste. Add the honey, oil, and salt and mix well. Return the mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat until it thickens while you stir constantly.

Cool to room temperature. Stir well. Store, covered, in the refrigerator. Wait at least two weeks, before eating, preferrably a month. Will keep for months.


  1. Thank you for posting this. We go through quite a bit of mustard at our house. I stopped buying regular mustard because of the "spices", which usually means MSG. Thanks again!

  2. I had no idea mustard has MSG. I'll have to try this. Thank you!



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