Saturday, September 19, 2009

Banana Hazelnut Bread or Cake

We ate this before I could photograph it :)

This is based on the recipe for banana cake by Elaine Gottschall in Breaking the Vicious Cycle.  The hazelnut flour gave it more of a look and feel of wheat then anything else I've tried.  Unfortunately, I also discovered that I'm allergic to hazelnut flour.  This can be a bread or a cake, depending on how much honey you add to it.


3 cups hazelnut flour (other flour should work as well)
3 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup melted butter or ghee
1 tsp baking soda (optional, not GAPS legal)
2 extra ripe mashed bananas
honey- 1/3 cup for bread, 2/3 cup for cake


Mash bananas with a fork in a large mixing bowl.  Add other ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Pour into a greased cake, loaf, or baking pan. 

Bake at 350 degrees for about 40-45 minutes, or until the top springs back when poled.  Baking time will vary depending on the shape of pan used.


  1. What reaction did you have to the hazelnut flour?
    If I may ask? And do you think it's just hazelnuts in general? And do you ever soak your nuts before you eat them? Do you think that would help? ~Christin

  2. Hi Christin- I have severe Oral Allergy Syndrome to hazelnuts, but since this is caused by a protein that is supposedly easily destroyed by heat, I had hoped that baking with he flour would be okay. I was having emotional symptoms (irritability, nothing seemed to be going my way), and then I did have mouth pain after eating pizza made with hazelnut flour. Soaking and drying would help a little (it helps me with other nuts that I have this problem with), but I think I ma just too allergic to hazelnuts. For those who can eat it though, I think that hazelnut flour is a wonderful option.
